Blue Flight is an investment management company, integrating the best practices of private equity. By leveraging our strategic expertise, expansive network, and innovative mindset, we drive the strategic, development, and innovation agendas of businesses. While we steer clear of day-to-day operations, our commitment is to challenge, support, and collaborate, ensuring ventures are primed for growth and success.
Blue Flight is part of the Kandzeras Foundation's Ventures arm.

The leading recruitment company in the Baltic states. During the years of operation, Biuro has gained valuable experience in HR management and has earned high appreciation from Baltic's major businesses and well-known international corporations. Biuro provides a wide range of HR management services, such as temporary employment, personnel search and selection, payroll and specialist/department outsourcing. 19+ years of experience as well as a deep understanding of the labor market allows Biuro to tackle any HR related issue swiftly and expertly.
Reinventing labor relations since 2017, Workis is a new generation recruitment agency operating in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and is proud to have earned the trust of the biggest companies in the Baltic region. With its modern approach, Workis has become the online platform where innovative employers and advanced job seekers meet – making employment and employee administration easier and more efficient on both sides.
Private K-12 schools in Lithuania. With a holistic approach to education that goes beyond academics, Pažinimo medis had created a unique framework to help children grow into well-rounded human beings.